A cross-chain framework that protects against from front-running, allowing greater user-choice and autonomy for how your transaction is processes.

MEV Protection protects your transactions against from most kinds of frontrunning, but especially from trade sandwiching, which is when a searcher trades just before and just after your transaction to make a profit.

MEV Protection | Per Chain

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use MEV Protect?

Simply add LlamaNodes free RPCs to your wallet - no other action is required on the user’s part. To learn how to add a LlamaNodes RPC in your wallet, go here.

What kinds of MEV does MEV Protect, ‘protect’ me from?

MEV Protect protects from most kinds of (1) frontrunning and (2) sandwich attacks — which is when a searcher trades just before and just after your transaction to take your slippage and makes a profit.