LlamaNodes Privacy Features, Logging Practices, and Data Collection

As a privacy-conscious organisation, LlamaNodes provides transparent information for our users. We’ll NEVER sell or share your or your user's data with anyone, period. LlamaNodes by default does not store information outside of end-point metadata needed to rate limit, provide aggregate statistics, or charge for an API key.

LlamaNodes does not require account sign-ups or any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to use our services, therefore we are unable to share this information, and any end-point metadata digested is pseudonymous.

User Data Collection | Explained

LlamaNodes does not collect, log, or share your users data that transits through our RPCs, ever

IP Address: No - LlamaNodes does not collect the IP addresses of your users.

Wallet Address: No - LlamaNodes does not collect the wallet addresses of your users.

LlamaNodes Github is open and customers can verify any information needed. As a part of the Llama family, LlamaNodes will always be open-source and transparent:


API End-Point Usage Metadata | Explained

Free Public End Point

  1. Rate Limiting | Required for basic operation and rate limiting, an IP is digested and anonymised immediately (via hashing). An IP is not persisted; salted data is cached for 7 days and automatically deleted.
    1. Context: All RPC providers have to digest IPs even if a provider does not have a request limit, the IP is still in memory as it’s necessary for an internet connection to function. At LlamaNodes this information not persisted.
  2. Aggregate Stats | Total request counts and latency are tallied in aggregate across all free tier users so LlamaNodes can create this cool dashboard. This information is hashed and no IP, specific key, method, or end-point information is digested.

Llamas are building a FREE and public Tor based end-point to further reiterate our commitment to privacy. Coming soon, Anon 🦙

Premium End Point

  1. Billing | Required for basic billing operation, the method type(s) utilised per key are collated for billing purposes, as Premium accounts are charged on a per-request basis. It is automatically deleted after a 90 period by default.
  2. Developer Dashboard & Forecasted Usage
    1. Developer Dashboard | Request method, request size, response size, response timings, and archive data types are stored and displayed for the Premium Dashboard. This is a feature for developers, so they can see what their dApps are doing in more detail and subsequently improve code to reduce request sizes. It is automatically deleted after a 90 period by default.
    2. Forecasted Usage | Another great LlamaNodes feature designed to provide developers with extrapolated usage estimates to calculate monthly usage and costs. To provide this feature, LlamaNodes interprets the request method, request size, and response size - then extrapolates costs based on average usage per endpoint per day and month. This information is subsequently displayed on a user’s dashboard. It is automatically deleted after a 90 period by default.